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Veggie Mad!!

Seems i have gone on a bit of a veggie blog binge lately. But i thought i would show you some pictures of where we're up to with the vegie garden.... (not very far) and what we doing with my herb garden. Come across some  cute little garden item's that i loved - i love the little herb name stake thingys. I want to create a bit of a rustic kitchen herb garden that not only is functional but looks good too!

I have delved into the vegie garde a bit this week to try and get ready for spring. I have planted an early crop of tomatoes, silverbeet and a late crop of snow peas. I hope to get in some beetroot, lettuce, cabbage and shallots in the next few days! As you can see below abby loves to help me garden - sniffs everything i am doing and must be involved in the process. Our chookies are doing well... have increased in laying more eggs everyday which is great - we had our record of 6 eggs in one day yesterday! The fruit below is a Lemonade tree. Yet to taste what it is like... have let it ripen some more and give it a go!


As you can see in the below  picture collage you can see a bit of a mess of a garden. That is where we are trying to create my kitchen herb garden. Had to cut down a fair few shrubs and there is going to be a bit of work involved in restoring the rock retaining wall holding the dirt against the house BUT i have a vision of what i want so we will se what happens. Our mulberry tree is shooting little leaves so it's nice to see spring is on it's way! I am hanging out for winter to be over that is for sure.

Have a great weekend!