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Tasty Tuesday... Sticky Five Spice Chicken Drumsticks

Since becoming pregnant and having and overcoming morning sickness my lack of interest in cooking has resulted in many a quick and simple meal being laid on the table. I can only imagine this will continue as the pregnancy continues on and the baby is born. It probably will get worse when we have a newborn in the house.

I'm gathering many a mum-to-be and new and old mums can relate. The tiredness, lack of energy and no interest in trying to think of what to cook for dinner! I normally love to cook and create dishes but this pregnancy thing has put a dampener on this love of mine. Not that I am complaining because this pregnancy is a miracle to me to say the least.

Another thing I am also learning to do is to try and cook meals on a budget. I will be stopping work in a little under 3 months and I think it will be a slight shock going to one wage. Tips anyone? This is where this dish shines! You can chicken drumsticks for a steal - generally around $4-5/kg and when you roast them in the oven the sticky flavours of this dish just make your mouth sing. The green bean salsa that accompanies this is so simple and easy to make and only requires a handful of ingredients that should be sitting in your refrigerator.

So this dish ticks all the boxes in my mind for a budget friendly, quick and simple meal to make for your family this weekend. I'm hoping for beautiful autumn weather like we have been having over the past week. Gorgeous blue skies, wonderful temperatures and just enough breeze to freshen you up.What have you got planned for this coming Easter weekend? We have decided to have a quiet weekend at home with friends and family and to also catch up on things around the house! There's lots to do with a baby on the way!

Sticky Five Spice Chicken with Green Bean Salsa
Serves 6

12 x chicken drumsticks

3 tbsp olive oil
1/3 cup soy sauce
2 tbsp sweet chilli sauce
1 ½ tbsp lime juice
2 tbsp hoisin sauce
1 ½ tbsp brown sugar
2 cloves garlic
2 tsp ginger
½ tsp turmeric
1 tsp Chinese five spice powder
¼ tsp chilli flakes

Green Bean Salsa:
1 medium Lebanese cucumber, peeled, deseeded, finely diced
3 medium tomatoes, finely diced
1/3 cup green beans
1 tbsp basil, finely sliced
1 tbsp parsley, finely sliced
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 tsp herbamore (*can omit)

Lime wedges to serve


In a glass or plastic bowl combine all of the marinade ingredients and stir to combine. Place the chicken drumsticks into the marinade mixture and coat the drumsticks with the marinade thoroughly. Cover and refrigerate the chicken mixture for 4 -6 hours to marinate.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Place the chicken and marinade in a roasting tray and place into the oven. Bake for 40 -45 minutes until cooked through. Turn pieces regularly to baste in marinade.

Place the green beans into a microwavable container and cover with water. Microwave for 1-2 minutes until the beans are blanched but still retain a slight crunch. Rinse with cold water and finely dice. Place into a bowl along with the cucumber, tomato and herbs.

In a small bowl place the olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt, pepper and herbamore. Whisk briskly with a fork to emulsify. Dress the salsa with the vinaigrette just before serving. Serve with chicken drumsticks and wedge of fresh lime.

 On a Baby note I have started cleaning out the room that is to be our nursery so hopefully I will be able to get some pictures up of the progress!

Happy Easter and have a great weekend!

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