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Sheet Music Art

 You might be thinking that I have been a busy little bee with still being heavily pregnant and all!. But I can assure you that is not the case at all.... in fact most of these projects that are coming up have been done a little while back and  pre-schedule posts have been set - so no I'm not being a Super women. Yes I was heavily pregnant completing these but it kept me sane on the days when I thought I would go crazy with boredom.

I could bake... but that means I would eat it, which wouldn't be so bad at the moment but I would regret it after the baby is born and there's those "baking" kilos to lose. I don't have people to give the extras too at the moment - plus it would totally blow our budget out of the water if I cooked every day of the week. I don't think hubby would mind though coming home to freshly baked goods everyday.

I have been trying to find little crafts to do that don't take a long time and that keep me entertained for periods throughout the week. A little creative juice flowing always keeps me entertained.

I came across this old German piano sheet music book at a garage sale we went too a few weeks ago. I think I picked it up for something like 50c, which was a bargain in my eyes. I have seen different things being done over the net with sheet music and wanted to try my hand at creating something.
I remembered seeing on Better Homes and Gardens a while back a project that Tara did. It was silhouette image cutout of a coloured piece of paper and then printed words were used as the background of the cutout. The image was then placed in a frame. It looked quite effective done as a series.

So I thought I would try one print to use in the sitting room to brighten the space up a bit.  I collected my materials from my craft cupboard. I was trying to use things that I had around the home for a piece of art that costs literally nothing.

Things you will need: 
Sheet Music (or printed words)
Rubber Matt
Scalpel or sharp knife
Fine black pen
Printed image to cut out

I found this cute bird silhouette on the web. Unfortunatley my printer has carked it and I had to trace the image off a word document from my computer screen. So annoyed but anyway it still worked out fine. I placed the traced image over the paper and cut out the shape making sure it cut through to the paper below. This saves cutting out the image twice.


 Once I tidied the edges up a bit I cut the paper out to fit the photo frame that I had chosen making sure the bird was centered in the frame correctly. I then flipped through the sheet music looking for the most interesting looking bit of music that I thought would suit this picture. I loved this piece as the chords were in a smaller print than the rest of the music which looked better behind this bird.

 I then cut a piece of sheet music to fit behind the bird silhouette and glued it to the back of the paper. I then used a fine black pen to outline the bird to help the image stand out a bit more and it gave it a bit more of a finished look.


 After fitting the finished piece of art to the frame and a quick wipe over the glass with windex - Voila - one piece of music sheet art! I am not sure what hubby will think about the pink tonings of the paper but hey I don't have much pink in my house I am sure we can compromise on this!

 I hope to make some silhoutte sheet music pieces of art for the babies room. I probably would use a bit plainer paper next time as it is a little bit busy but hey I still like it. A series of these bird prints would look super cute on a wall in a bedroom.

Can you tell I like birds? I have bird ornaments and cages littering our house. There is just something cute and whimsical about them.... and hey this is The Whimsical Wife!

I hope this inspires you to create a piece of original art for yourself using things that you have around the house. This probably only took me about 30-40 minutes to complete - that was with a cuppa tea in there as well. It is really simple to do and using the right coloured paper and images you can create some stunning pieces of art for your home!

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