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Christmas & New Year Festivities

 Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse....
Hang on Christmas has been and gone and so has new years - what land am I living in! Ha
I thought I would share you (belatedly) some shots of our christmas and new years festivities. I took a blogging break over this period so I am only getting to sharing them now with you!


 I will warn you now there is a lot of photo's of this cute Little Boy throughout the post! I just can't get enough of him!

I was just a teeny bit excited christmas morning to wake up and have a little person to share the day with, even though he really didn't have a clue of what was going on. The day started at a reasonable hour - 7am - I am not sure this will last every christmas morning! I bounded out of bed to get the little boy up and fed so we could spend the morning together before he went back for his morning nap and then off to nanny and poppy's for lunch.

We started the morning off reading the story of Mary and Joseph and the Birth of Jesus. I hope to make this a christmas morning tradition to focus on what the day is really about. Avert your eyes from my messy hair below - I'm still in my PJ's reading to JD.

 After waiting ever so impatiently for his morning nap to be over we made our way to my parents house enjoy the rest of Christmas day. My mum had bought her two grandsons matching Santa outfits which looked absolutely adorable on both of them! That's JD and his cousin playing in there matching outfits.

 He was a little unsure about all of the fuss when he was getting his photo taken with poppy - he held on to dear life to poppy's shirt during the whole photo shoot! Poor child!

 Nanny couldn't wait any longer to shower her little grandsons with gifts so it was gift opening time. JD was so cute opening his presents. It was such a special time watching him take it all in and touch and feel all his new gifts. Mind you his favourite part of the days was munching on wrapping paper. It was strange to sit back and think that this time last year I was only 6 weeks pregnant with him and now we have this precious little angel to play with and love on this day. A little bit mind blowing for me since we had endured so many previous christmas' wondering if we would have a baby to hold for the next year.

Once the babies had been spoiled beyond belief we put them to bed and enjoyed our christmas lunch.  We went with the traditional roast meal this year with all the trimmings including yorkshire puddings, roast vegetables, honey and mustard beans and carrot, fresh corn and roast lamb, beef and baked ham. It was delicious!  It was so good to have a relaxing day with family, eating, drinking , chatting and just having fun together. My mum - the games queen as she is now know put together a few games which we played between dinner and dessert! Simply games like christmas bingo and rolling the dice but she had put together a huge basket full of prizes which included gift vouchers, coffee vouchers, boxes of lollies & chocolates and the best present of all a $50 note in an envelope - I didn't win it unfortunately.

We didn't do anything special for boxing day as JD was tired from all the excitement of christmas and needed some serious down time to get over it - and so did mummy! We planned a new-years eve party at our house on the deck with my family. 

 We bought in some Indian and Thai takeaway and enjoyed it with a glass of wine on the deck. The evening put on a beautiful sunset as we enjoyed nibbles outside with a nice glass of bubbly! Once again mum bought some cute hats for the boys and "new year ever" tiara's for the girls to wear! Not that anyone else saw us!

JD even got in on the action with a Tiara on his head and a cuddle with mummy before bed time! I rang in the new year in bed with my eyes closed - ha!

I can't wait to see what this new year brings! I love the anticipation of a fresh beginning and I hope that I can continue to inspire you all through my blog posts this  new year!

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