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The Week That Was....

Can I just say I'm glad this week is nearly over .... I think all mum's must express that same sentiment on a Friday after "One of those weeks". I know I really can't complain because I've had such a champion of a little boy but it's just been a down right frustrating, awful, tiring week.

Little J.D has been teething as I mentioned in yesterday's post. He has had his off days over the past 2 months with teething and I was hoping that he would get these teeth through soon but to no avail. It has continued on for weeks. Finally the last two days he's finally cut one tooth and the other one is now giving him grief. He's been out of sorts, unhappy, won't feed or take solids and waking up at the crack of dawn crying in pain. My heart goes out to the little fella because I can only comfort and console him and dose him up with medication - which I hate doing.

Don't get me started on the weather either. I feel like I have been caged inside for weeks now with the rain. My little bit of freedom of going for early morning walks has been cut out these past weeks and trying to book J.D into the gym creche with these teething issues has been near impossible! This mumma is climbing the walls. I have tried to get out to the shops here and there but I find I just buy unnecessary things when I don't have something specific in mind to do or get so that plan has gone out the window as well.

Some things that have kept me sane this past fortnight have been .....

Getting two of my recipes featured in an advertisement in Recipes + magazine. (February & March issues) The recipes were my Pear & Coconut Salmon with Quinoa & My Sticky Date Pudding in a Mug.  I entered these recipes into the Best Home Chef website which were picked up and used in there advertisement. I would love for you to take a minute and vote for some of my recipes on the website here - It would be greatly appreciated! I also won a dessert competition with this website for my Dairy Free - Pomegranate Cheesecake

I received a VERY special delivery in the mail from Best Home Chef - My prize for the winning dessert. A cast iron cooking package of two casserole dishes and a grill pan. It certainly put a smile on this tired mumma's face.

On one of my outings to the shops I managed to buy something useful for some projects that I have lined up. Namely furniture renovations and upholstery projects that I have created for myself. Yes I have been OP shopping again and have bought a chair and a pair of bar stools ( like these ones) needing upholstering. I wonder why I do it to myself sometimes but I do enjoy a challenge. I bought the fabric below with the re-upholstering a large arm chair in mind (top two pieces of material) and some cushions for our lounge room with the bottom piece of material. Still haven't found the perfect piece of material to use on the bar stools yet. Oh well another excuse to get out of the house.

I have also been painting random patches of different coloured paints onto our kitchen hutch. With the intention of trying to find the perfect colour to paint it. That's the next project in line for the spray booth but I just cannot decide on what colour I want to use. I have no trouble painting pieces of furniture destined to be sold but when it comes to my furniture I just get so indecisive. The colours are either too light, not green enough, too strong, too blue etc etc. That picture is only the beginning of my patch work paint job as I have added another 3 patches to the front and other side in different colours. I will let you know when I find the perfect colour in the mean time we live with a patch work coloured hutch.

Reading has also kept me sane this past week. I don't get a chance much during the day to sit down and read a book however my bath times and bed times have me with my nose in a book. 

The Recipe Write Handbook by Barbar Gibbs Ostmann & Jane Baker
Will Write For Food by Dianne Jacob

I actually got given these two books a year ago at christmas time. I think I was 6 weeks pregnant and the thought of thinking or talking about food rolled my stomach so it has taken me this long to sit down and read them. These two books have been a wealth of information for a newby recipe developer and food writer. I have learnt so much reading them and think I will have to sit down and read them again just to let it all sink in. They give great tips on how to write a proper recipe, how to better your writing skills etc. Great for anyone writing a cookbook, food blog, or wanting to become a freelance food writer.

Honestly Healthy by Natasha Corrett & Vicki Edgson

I really enjoyed this cookbook. It was my style of eating. Healthy, dairyfree, wholefood type of cooking. Although this primarly a vegetarian cookbook I found it resfreshing to find different ways to eat vegetarian. I love my meat but on the occasion I want to cook a vegetarian meal I get stuck on what to prepare. It does also talk about eating "alkaline" which honestly I'm not really into but if that is something that your interested in as well then this book would work be great for you to read.

Tides of Truth Series by Robert Whitlow

I have been hooked on this series since I started the first book last week. It follows a young law student Tami Taylor through her journery as a summer law clarke in a  law firm in a small country town. She has strong christian beliefs and it is interesting to read how she walks through the obstacles and dramas that unfold through this series. It's a great Christian read and I would highly recommend it. It's got everying I look for in a good book - drama, suspense, christian story line, and a drizzling of romance in the mix. Perfect to take my mind of the horrible day I've had!

I am also guest posting over at Cut Out The Crap today. Make sure you pop in and say hi to Collette!

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