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A Tonk-a Fun

There once was a little boy who lived in a house with a mummy, daddy, four chooks and a doggy named Abby. This little boy loved to play outside. Outside meant freedom to explore grassy plains, secret places, chase the chooks and poke around in the dirt. Outside time for mummy meant freedom to lie on the grass and watch the clouds go by and daddy to enjoy pottering in the garden.

One day this little boy inherited a Tonka Truck collection from his cousins. Outside time become a whole lot more fun. This little yellow truck took outside time to a whole new level for the little boy. This truck could be pushed for "miles" into new and exciting place. Over steep mountains (dirt pile), down gravel filled valleys (empty grey water pit), through scary dark forests (under the mulberry tree) and over grassy plains. There was always work to be done for this little boy and his big yellow Tonka truck. Loads of pine cones to be moved, mounds of dirt, bottles and sticks to be moved to new locations. There was no time to rest. There was important work to do.

When the day's work had been completed it was time to park the truck and help dad round up and feed the chooks. A jug of seed was filled, shrill calls of "here chook chook chook" and with a scurry and a hurry the chooks soon follow. Ushered into the pen with a beckoning jug of seed they are put to bed for the evening.

The fun doesn't end there for the little boy. It's time to explore the rest of the garden. Empty buckets become space helmets without any place to see. Not very practical the little boy thinks and tosses it aside to see what else he can get into.

Dad is watering the garden so it's time to get a turn on the hose. Thankfully daddy has it turned off when it's the little boys turn.  Otherwise they both would be very wet. As the sun sets over the ridge in the distance it is time to bundle the little boy up the stairs for bath time. Grins of satisfaction and tired drooping eyes are reflections of a wonderful afternoon.  Outside time is so much fun!

Things have been a little quiet around here of late. I've been concentrating on the family these past weeks. I haven't forgotten you my dear readers. I will be back. I have pie and all sorts of goodness to show you. Have a great weekend.

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