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A Little Announcement!

After 12 very very long weeks I can finally let the cat out of the bag. There will be a new addition to our family in late October 2014. This little being is another IVF success for us and I can only say we have been truly blessed with another miracle. The IVF journey was just as blah as the last two I've done but I am so glad we were succesful first go this time.
Morning sickness hit with a vengence around 5 1/2 weeks just like it did with J.D.  I have been feeling like death warmed up most of the day and the thought of trying to create new recipes and talk about food is just too much for me at the moment thus the reason why it's been pretty slow on this here blog. I am hoping the next month or so will bring some respite and I can get back into blogging again. So thank you for bearing with me and my lack of posts and hope that you will stick around for the new chapter of our lives!

I hope everyone had a wonderful easter!

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