

Welcome to The Whimsical Wife. Thanks for popping in to share my adventures in the kitchen, in my home and my workshop as I Cook, Create & Decorate. 

Tasty Tuesday - Homemade Breakfast Muesli

There are days when I wake up in the morning open the pantry doors and stare aimlessly around trying to look for something nice for breakfast. I have my seasons of porridge, toast, eggs and smoothies and sometimes I even buy cereal from the shops - which we don't do very often.

But there are mornings where I am just totally uninspired by any of the normal breakfast offerings.....

Cue this homemade breakfast muesli!

It has been a bit of a lifesaver over the past few weeks since I started making it - for both me and hubby. He gets the same way too with breakfast - getting uninspired by the normal options so I decided to create some of our own muesli to tempt our tastebuds with.
The normal muesli's from the store contain lots of hidden sugar and fats in the way of vegetable oils and fruit juice concentrates to flavour it up.  I wanted to try and make a healthy version of a muesli if I could.

I had read a few recipes recently about using dried Quinoa in baking such as museli bars and slices. I thought this would add a great punch of protien to the muesli mix all the while adding some crunch. It adds a nice nutty flavour as well and sticks nicely to the dried fruits making nice little crunchy gems throughout the finished muesli.

The staple ingredient was oats to create a nice low GI cereal to keep me going throughout the day. The fun then began to figure out what other yummy things I could add to help create a interesting and healthy cereal.... so I scoured my cupboards.
I came up with dried, sultanas, cranberries, dates, apple, shredded coconut, mixed seeds such as sunflower and pepita's and rice bran to finish it off.

It's easy as pie to make the muesli and takes no time at all. I basically add all of the dry ingredients to a bowl and combine - spread evenly onto a large lined baking tray and drizzle 2-3 tablespoons of honey over the entire lot. You could add a pinch of cinnamon to add a bit more flavour if you wished. The muesli then goes into the oven for 8 minutes to brown, remove and give it a quick stir and repeat once more until the oats a lightly golden.

Remove the tray and let it cool. Voila you have lovely crunchy breakfast muesli to brighten up you mornings! You can mix and match the dried fruits that go into this recipe to suit your tastes.

Breakfast Muesli

Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 15 min
Keywords: bake breakfast dairy free

  • 5 cups oats
  • 1 cup dried quinoa
  • 1 cup rice bran
  • 1/3 cup shredded coconut
  • 1/4 cup dried dates, roughly chopped
  • 1/4 cup mixed seeds (sunflower and pepita)
  • 1/4 cup dried apple, roughly chopped
  • 1/4 cup sultanas
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries
  • 2-3 Tbsp Honey
Preheat a oven to 180 degrees. Line a large baking tray.
In a large bowl place all of the dry ingredients, dates, seeds and apple. Mix to combine.
In a separate bowl place the sultana's and cranberries and set aside. (* The sultana's and cranberries will go too hard if cooked in the oven. They will get added later)
Place mixed dry ingredients evenly onto the baking tray and drizzle with 2-3 tablespoons of honey.
Place into the oven and cook for about 8 minutes. Remove and evenly stire the mixture with a spoon.
Place back into the oven for a further 5-8 minutes or until the oats are lightly browned. You may need to repeat this step until all the oats are evenly cooked.
Remove and cool. Place in a air tight container.
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 Served with milk or with yoghurt and fruit - you can't go wrong with making your own muesli!

Don't forget to enter the Feature Friday giveaway by Quilitng Mumma as today will be your last chance to enter. The winner will be drawn and announced tommorrow! Good Luck!

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