

Welcome to The Whimsical Wife. Thanks for popping in to share my adventures in the kitchen, in my home and my workshop as I Cook, Create & Decorate. 

Merry Christmas & My Gift To You!

This will be my last post for the rest of the year .... not that there is much of the year left really. Christmas is only days away and I am happy to say I am completely organised. Thanks to online shopping, pre-making Christmas goodies and keeping things much more simple this year.

My little elf helper will celebrate his first Christmas this year and it's going to be such a special day.

I can't believe this time last year we were silently celebrating finally falling pregnant with this special man. (Read my story here) . Oh the memories of terrible morning sickness in this heat and not being able to enjoy any Christmas goodies or any food in fact. This year is going to be extra special being able to celebrate it with this precious little boy who will be 4 1/2 months old on Christmas day! Oh and being able to enjoy some Christmas dinner will be a plus as well!

He has enriched our lives so much since he was born - oh we've had our ups and downs as all new parents do but the joy that he brings into both our lives has been incredible. The early morning smiles and listening to him goo and gah in his bassinet in the morning fills my heart with such warm and fuzzy feelings. Watching him grow and change every week has put a little sadness into my heart - my little baby is growing up way to fast. Seeing him reaching and grabbing for things, rolling over and growing stronger and more alert each day keeps reminding me of this fact. He will be crawling, walking and talking before I know it! God help me when that happens!

He started on solids this past week and this is another reminder each time I sit down with some pureed  food that one day he won't rely on me breastfeeding him and I think I will miss that little time we have together every couple of hours. The nurturing and closeness that brings is something special and I will miss that the day he doesn't want it anymore. Everyday I don't think I can love him anymore but my heart gets a little bigger and it fills up a little more with love for the precious little boy.

 It was hard not to go overboard this christmas and buy a million presents to spoil him with but he has no idea what this day is all about and to be honest he will enjoy the wrapping paper more than the presents. So we went simple and bought him a clam shell pool to play in  as it will last him in the years to come as he grows older. We did however pull it out early and gave him a splash in it with his jolly jumper. He LOVED it. It was a sweltering hot day and it was a great way to cool down. Let just say mummy has sat in it a few times with him to get some relief from the heat!

On another note I have a present to give all my special readers! A free downloadable 2013 "A year of food" calendar by The Whimsical Wife. This calendar is my gift to you for being showing such wonderful support and readership over the past year. Each month you will be tantalized with a past Whimiscal Wife recipe photo (recipe at the back of the calendar) which has been picked to compliment that month and season.

Print it off and hang it on your wall or email it to a friend who you think will be interested in downloading it! Make sure you share the love and tell your friends and family about it!

So I sign off for the last post of the year and I want to wish every one of you a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. The Whimsical Wife will be back in early January 2013. I hope to continue to inspire you to Create, Bake & Decorate. 

God Bless!

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