

Welcome to The Whimsical Wife. Thanks for popping in to share my adventures in the kitchen, in my home and my workshop as I Cook, Create & Decorate. 

Weekly Wrap: Dots & Dents!

Since last weeks weekly wrap I felt like we were on the up. J.D had been quite sick early last week and I thought we were on the mend. That is until Tuesday night hubby quietly called come and have a look at this....

Little red dots covered his entire stomach and back. My stomach dropped. Great just what I needed. There had been a call out on the news and facebook about a measles outbreak in our local area but I was hoping this wasn't the case. We prayed that this would come to nothing and was just a viral rash from him being sick the previous week. When he woke up the next morning he seemed pretty happy and healthy and the dots had not gotten any worse so I decided to bide my time and keep an eye on it as the day progressed.

We had to drop out family car into the car repair shop to get fixed after somebody backed into the front of it a couple of weeks ago. Thus the "dent" in this blog title. Thankfully we have a second run about car but it meant I have to drop hubby off to work if I want to use the car that day. Wednesday morning I decided we needed to get out of the house so I packed up the baby with some breakfast and dropped hubby off at work. We parked the car and walked to one of the local parks in the center of town. The Carnival of Flowers is currently on this week which meant that the parks are dressed up to the nines with some stunning flower displays as you can see by the pictures above. We enjoyed the displays as we chowed down on breakfast and JD loved watching the local council workers mowing and blowing leaves away. Lots of "brrrmm brrrmm" were said while watching this.

I took the chance to visit an OP shop that I hadn't had a chance to check out yet, on our walk back to the car. I scored some pretty nice pieces of clothes all for under $20. Bargain!  Summer wardrobe kinda sorted! We made our way home and it was time for J.D to go to bed. Upon changing his nappy I found the dots had turned into a pretty nasty looking rash that was spreading along his arms and down his legs. I knew it was time to ring the doctor.

 We secured a same day appointment and were told we would have to be ushered in the back door of the clinic and put in a isolated examination room. We were germy! This was as a pre-caution due to the the measles outbreak happening in the city. Upon examination the doctor suspected it was most likely measles but it could also be a reaction to his 1 year old vaccination which contained the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine which he had just over 2 weeks ago. I knew he had been very very sick the week before but didn't realise it was from this. We were ushered back outside again and we made our way home with instructions to stay away from people for the next 5 days. After stepping through the door I got another phone call from the doctors telling me we need to come back as they need to take bloods and swabs to confirm if its measles or not for posterity sake.  So back in the car we went, were ushered through back doors again and endured a tearful, screaming session trying extricate droplets of blood from a heel prick to fill a little vial. My nerves were shattered by the end of this. I double checked they didn't need anything further and went home. All I wanted to do was lie down and eat chocolate (which I can't cos I'm dairy intolerant). So I opted for a cup of this - Crio Bru - it's roasted coco beans which you brew in a french press just like coffee. It hit the spot this day for sure.


 So as I write this I am still waiting on the test results to confirm if it is measles or a reaction to his 1 year old vaccinations. Today the rash has improved a lot and J.D is in good spirits. Since mummy was feeling a little worse for wear this morning, pancakes were in order to lift the spirits a bit. I made my easy peasy coconut pancakes (recipe posted on my facebook page) which only require a handful of ingredients. They are gluten and dairy free and are full of protein. I slathered them with the home made chia strawberry jam that I have been obsessed with lately and we devoured them!

 It was the perfect start to the day!

So here's hoping for a better week next week!

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Roasted Eggplant & Tahini Pitas