

Welcome to The Whimsical Wife. Thanks for popping in to share my adventures in the kitchen, in my home and my workshop as I Cook, Create & Decorate. 

Weely Wrap: Books & Berries


Mulberry season has finally come! Yay! We have a large Mulberry tree at the back of our yard that produces tonnes of these juicy, black berries. Thankfully it was fully established when we bought this house a few years ago and have been reaping the rewards every year. J.D has experienced his first Mulberry this past week and he is obsessed with them.

Any time we go outside to play in the yard he points to the tree and says "Ta". If I try and ignore these pleadings they get more urgent and a tantrum nearly ensures. I've created a Mulberry Monster. I have been trying to pick some to make into a  chia jam, which I am so obsessed with lately. I don't seem to be able to get enough because by the time I have transported them back to the house half the bucket has been gorged on by a certain someone! Oh well there is plenty to spare. With the multiple Mulberry gorgings that this little fella has been indulging in I have found my washing pile increasing with the need to soak a lot of clothes of Mulberry stains, not to mention mine after a juicy smile gets wiped across my shirt!

 Last weeks weekly wrap I mentioned I was waiting on the results of measles results from this little fella. I got the results back late Friday afternoon and found out that he in fact had measles but it was from a reaction to his 1 year old vaccinations. So we didn't need to be quarantined after all that. To be honest I am glad that is all behind us now and we can enjoy some trips to the shops - mummy was going a little insane being stuck at home for the past 2 weeks!

 Spring  has come and seems like it has gone with the hot weather we have been experiencing here this week. Yesterday it reached 34 degrees which was the hottest spring day on record here in Toowoomba. Please let this not be a sign of things to come for summer. I hate hot weather! Out veggie patch is going from strength to strength and we have been reaping handfuls of asparagus each day. I posted this picture on instagram and facebook and a lot of people were interested on how asparagus is grown and harvested. I have a article coming up written by my very own brother who is a gardening fanatic which will hopefully take the mystery out of how asapargus grows.  Our roses starting to bloom in abundance which makes me so happy to look at everyday. I think I have over 20 rose bushes planted around our yard and this time of year they come into their own!

 Books have been a bit of a theme this week on my instagram. I receive Sibella Courts new book Gypsy this week to read and review on the blog here. I love her work and I cannot wait to tell you more about her new book. I have also received the cookbooks I styled and photographed for Lose Baby Weight. It made my day to flick through these beautifully designed books and see my work in hard copy form. A dream come true really ... maybe one day I can write and photograph my own!


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What Is Kale & Why Should I Eat It?

Supercharged Food For Kids: Review