

Welcome to The Whimsical Wife. Thanks for popping in to share my adventures in the kitchen, in my home and my workshop as I Cook, Create & Decorate. 

35 Weeks

 So we're on the homeward stretch now heading towards the big finale. I wish it was only closer to be honest. I have written this to be my 35 week post but it seems the obstetrician has been tracking me about 5 days ahead of what I thought I was and they are saying I am 36 weeks. So if the baby comes earlier than I was planning that's a good thing! I think?

Feeling:  Oh so tired. I think these last few weeks are going to be hard and long. Hay fever season has hit me HARD and I just feel miserable and want to scratch out my nose with a wire brush. Anyone else have hay fever problems? I normally am okay because I can take something decent for it but being pregnant has limited me to taking Polaramine which leaves me feeling dopey and only able to take it at night. My energy levels come and go and I generally go to hard when I do feel like I have the energy to do something. At the moment I just want to crawl into bed and sleep the day away... I might just do that once I press publish on this post.

Craving/Eating: Food really hasn't interested me much of late. I just want to eat plain toast and muesli for most meals. I think I might have a bit of morning/day sickness back because in the afternoons I have been feeling a bit off. I have been trying to shove salads and green smoothies down my gob but it's and effort to do. Hopefully my appetite will return soon.

Exercise: Non existent at the moment. I went for a walk earlier this week and it nearly killed me. I think I went a bit far and trying to push a 12kg toddler and pram probably didn't help. I want to try and keep walking but it all depends on my energy levels for the day.

Wearing: Since the weather has warmed up I am now struggling to find things to wear in my cupboard. J.D was born at the end of winter so I never had to try and transition from one season to the next while heavily pregnant. I found a few skirts in my cupboards that have elastic bands. They were a bit long so I've shortened them to a nice length and I think I will live in them over the next month. I have a couple of maxi dresses which will get worn a lot too I think. I am glad I am not going to be heavily pregnant in summer. We have been getting 30 degree C days here and it is killing me just with that heat.

Appointments: I am now up to going weekly to the OB. Everything is tracking perfectly. I had a scan last week to check on the placenta as they were a bit concerned it might of been in the way but fortunately it was in the right spot.

Movement: Rib kicking is now a everyday occurrence and lot's of braxton hicks. Bub is tracking to be about the same weight as J.D at the moment which will be about in the high 7 pound region. However these things are never accurate and only time will tell how big Bub will be on the day.

 Other: I finally got the motivation to move J.D from his nursery into his new room. Hubby finished off the built-in cupboards and I got my act together and moved him a few days later. I'm going to do a proper post on his finished room eventually! In the mean time you can see a sneak peek of what it looks like so far. I still have things that I want to do such as add some art to the walls etc. This is what his nursery looked like. We took the plunge and put him straight into a toddler bed instead of moving the cot and trying to do it later. I might have been a little crazy to do this since I am due to have a newborn in over a month. This guy has been a champion in the transition though. To change into a new room and a new bed couldn't have been easy and he did it pretty well. It has probably taken about 7-10 days to fully transition properly. There were a few rough days in the early stages where I though I had made a horrible mistake and wanted to put him back into a cot. We got there in the end. I am going to do a post next week on transitioning from a cot to a bed! Hopefully my experience can help you in yours.

I also managed to get the baby's room set up even if it is in the bare stages of setting up. We don't know what we are having so I can't really do anything decorative in there yet. My fingers are itching to though! We are off for the long weekend tomorrow. Camping... at 35 weeks pregnant.... with a toddler.... what am I thinking!
Happy weekend everyone!

From Cot To Bed: 7 Steps To Help Transition Your Toddler Into A Bed

Cheat's Mini Lime & Strawberry Cheesecakes