

Welcome to The Whimsical Wife. Thanks for popping in to share my adventures in the kitchen, in my home and my workshop as I Cook, Create & Decorate. 

We Welcome Our Little Miss

After a long and arduous wait - read 9 days overdue - a week ago today exactly we welcomed our second little miracle into the world.  We call her Little Miss or otherwise in real life Holly. Since we didn't know what we were having we were both definitely surprised that upon inspection after birth we had been blessed with a girl. We both were expecting a boy but are thrilled to bits with our precious daughter. Labour was short (just over four hours in total) and not so sweet (ouch) and I hope to maybe write that story for another day maybe.

We are now learning to transition into a family of four with juggling a toddler and a newborn. I am thankful that hubby has two weeks off which is a blessing to me during this time. I am currently trying to adjust to the lack of sleep, constant feeding and a toddler that just wants a little attention. This past week has most definitely had it's ups and downs but each time I feel a little overwhelmed I try and remember to take each day as it comes and know each little phase is going to be a season to overcome. Looking into the sweet faces of both my children keeps me that little bit sane - oh and lots of afternoon naps.

As you can see by the picture above J.D is absolutely smitten with his little sister. He calls her "Ho-yee" and wants to give her "mwahs" (kisses) all the time. He is so tender with her and she is the first thing he runs to see in the morning calling our "ho-yee" up the hallway. He is most curious about where Little Miss gets her milk from and the whole process of breast feeding. Thanks to everyone's well wishes when we announced her arrival via social media. I felt the love. I will keep you posted on our transition into a family of four and life with a newborn!

Welcome precious girl. We love you lots!

Essential Items To Pack In A Nappy Bag

DIY Geometric Animal Wall Art