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10 Practical Ways To Help A New Mum

Being a new mum is in emotionally, mentally and physically exhausting. I can thoroughly attest to that right now. Oh sure you are smitten with your new addition but the wear and tear of looking after a newborn, a toddler and being a wife can get anyone a little down. Do I hear an AMEN new mums? It's hard even if it's your second or third time around. It doesn't get "easier" either with each child you might just learn a better way to juggle things. So to infuse a little bit of helpfulness into a new mum’s life I thought I would give you 10 practical things that would help out us new mums keep going. Maybe just maybe you might just keep our sanity in tact!!

Having trouble during nappy change time with a wriggly baby? Try BabyLove Nappy Pants - with no tabs to contend with, the 360-degree stretchy waist allows you to pull them up quickly and easily, so your active toddler can get back to action in no time! Request a sample.

1.  Make a Meal: 

This is always a given when there is a new baby in the house. I would recommend getting together with a group of friends and setting up a meal roster for the first 5-7 days after the mum has arrived home from hospital. Taking the stress off trying to prepare a meal and juggle a newborn helps out a new mamma more than you will ever know. Plus the husband will appreciate not eating toast or baked beans for the first two weeks.
I was blessed enough to have 5 days worth of meal rostered after I arrived home from hospital from a bunch of precious ladies from my playgroup. This was more than helpful it was a lifesaver for us. It was just one less thing to think about at the end of each blurry and tiring day!

2. Babysit:

 If your new mum has older siblings ask if you can mind them for a few hours. Occupying them will give your tired mamma a few minutes to herself to either catch up on sleep or have a shower. Take them to the park or simply play with them outside. Anything that will entertain them for a couple of hours is always appreciated. Or if it’s her first simply sitting with bub while it naps to let mum go for a walk around the block will be helpful.
Thankfully we have both sets of parents living in town so we were able to hand off J.D for a few days while I was in hospital and a few times once I got home. It allowed me to have a rest, get some laundry done or simply spend some quality time with hubby.

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3. Take A Load Off: 

Offer to do a load of laundry, fold or do some ironing. Not all people feel comfortable in letting others do these jobs so you might need to gently ask them if they are happy for you to do this.
I probably would feel a little uncomfortable handing off dirty laundry to friends however my mum and sister-in-law helped me out a few times with putting the washing on, hanging it out and ironing it for me. Again it was a lifesaver in those first few weeks.

4. Put A Load On:

 If you can’t do the laundry offer to help out around the kitchen by packing or emptying the dishwasher, doing a some washing up or simply tidying up for her. This may irritate some people so again kindly ask if they are happy for ypu to do this for them. You might be able to also help out by giving the floor a vacuum and mop or other cleaning chores around the house. Another idea would be to buy a voucher for a cleaner to do these things if they feel awkward about a friend doing these jobs.

5. Go Shopping:

If you are dropping by for a visit ask your new mum if she needs anything picked up from the shops.  It might be simple things such as bread and milk or maybe breast pads and wipes could be on the list. Be sure to pick up some choccies or magazines to brighten the new mums day.
Another idea is to look after the baby while they are napping to let the mum run out to do a quick shop. I found this thoroughly refreshing being able to have a few minutes to myself even if it was to pick up some milk and bread.

6. Run Errands:

If your new mum doesn’t need anything picked up at the shops she might have a list of jobs that need doing such as posting a letter, returning library books, paying a bill or picking up a lay by. Trying to wrangle a toddler and a newborn into the car can seem to overwhelming some days so a little help in doing some small jobs is always appreciated.

7. Buy Something Just For Her: 

While baby gets lots of presents mum seems to accumulate flowers and balloons. Think out of the box and get her something special or why not make her a Mother’s Survival Kit. Any thoughtful gift will be appreciated.
I was given a pedicure voucher from my bible study group and I cannot wait to use it!! My sister also thoughtfully bought me my fave magazine and a hair treatment when she popped up to the hospital. It's the small things that count.

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8. Pamper At Home: 

Give your new mum a mini facial, a massage or simply paint her toes nails. These simple gestures will make a tired mum feel pampered and special. You don’t need to be a trained beauty therapist to do these simple things but it will make her feel a million dollars.
Even if you have to wrangle your husband to give your back and shoulders a massage. It will seem like heaven to your weary shoulders!

9. Bring A Voucher: 

While it might be a while before mum and dad want to venture out by themselves on a date why buy them a voucher to a fancy restaurant and offer to babysit for that night if you feel inclined. It will be something they can both look forward to when the time is right.

10. Be A Listening Ear: 

This might not seem a lot but in the early stages of first, second or even third time parenthood everything can be very overwhelming, tiring and full on. Simply let mum talk out her problems, worries or frustrations. If she cries hand her a tissue and give her arm a squeeze. Advice isn’t always necessary but to have someone to pour out your worries without anything in return is a therapeutic and helpful thing.

I am sure there are many more helpful and practical things you can do for a new mum. The most important thing is any help is good help.

Can you add anything to this list?

This post is part of a Nuffnang native advertising series.
Having trouble during nappy change time with a wriggly baby? Try BabyLove Nappy Pants - with no tabs to contend with, the 360-degree stretchy waist allows you to pull them up quickly and easily, so your active toddler can get back to action in no time! Request a sample.

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