

Welcome to The Whimsical Wife. Thanks for popping in to share my adventures in the kitchen, in my home and my workshop as I Cook, Create & Decorate. 

Tasty Tuesday - Roasted Strawberry Crepes

Spring, Spring, Glorious Spring. I am so very glad you are here. It feels like you have been hiding away for far too long. Winter seemed to take forever... but maybe that was because I was pregnant and everyday seemed to drag on a bit. I think I have said this before but I will say it again... and again!
Spring is my most favourite time of year. (Apart from the terrible hay fever that I get)

Delicious berries are in season now.... mmmm strawberries. I could eat a punnet a day if we were rich enough to afford to buy them everyday! Mind you we do have a strawberry patch and that does help with supplementing the strawberries I do buy from the supermarket every now and again.

This is my first recipe I have posted in a long while and I am sorry for the delay.... it's a just I've been a little pre-occupied lately with having a baby and all! I thought I would chose something simple, delicious and easy to make to post for my first recipe.... and these spring crepes sure took my fancy.

By roasting the strawberries with a little bit of sugar, vanilla and some balsamic vinegar it really adds a whole new dimension to these delicious morsels. They become truly divine! I probably could of roasted mine a bit longer until they collapsed a bit more and some juices started appearing to drizzle later on over the crepes.... but I got impatient.... oh and hungry! You can't blame me though can you!

 I have to admit I did eat these for breakfast and I had a smile on my face all morning from them! They made my day in fact. Topped off with a drizzle of maple syrup or some greek yoghurt for breakfast or ice cream for dessert.... or hey ice cream for breakfast - who's going to know! They make a great change to the usual boring cereal or Vegemite on toast.

 Tell me you wouldn't say no to these if they were placed in front of you for breakfast! I know I wouldn't.... and well I didn't! I ate them all up - pronto!

Roasted Strawberry Crepes

Prep Time: 40 min
Cook Time: 15 min
Keywords: saute breakfast dessert

Ingredients (Serves 4)

    • 1 cup plain flour
    • 1 tsp caster sugar
    • 240 ml milk
    • 2 eggs
    Roasted Strawberries

    • 2 x 250g punnet strawberries, hulled and quartered
    • 1/4 cup caster sugar
    • 1 tsp vanilla essence
    • 1 tbsp white balsamic vinegar


    1. In a bowl add the flour, sugar, milk and eggs. Whisk vigorously to combine and set aside for 30 min.
    2. Heat a non-stick fry pan or crepe pan over a medium heat. Ladle out the crepe mixture onto the hot pan and cook for 30-40 sec or until the crepe is golden brown. Flip and cook for a further 20-30 sec or until golden brown. Remove and repeat with the remaining mixture.
    Roast Strawberries

    1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and line a oven tray with baking paper.
    2. In a bowl add the strawberries, vanilla, sugar and balsamic vinegar. Toss to coat. Spread the strawberries out evenly over the tray. Place in the over for 10 minutes. Give a stir and place back into the over for a further 5-8 minutes or until the strawberries have collapsed and a syrup forms.
    3. Serve with greek yoghurt for breakfast or ice-cream and maple syrup for dessert!
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