

Welcome to The Whimsical Wife. Thanks for popping in to share my adventures in the kitchen, in my home and my workshop as I Cook, Create & Decorate. 

No Churn Rainbow Extraordinaire Nicecream + Video {DF, GF, Egg + Nut Free)

No Churn Rainbow Extraordinaire Nicecream + Video {DF, GF, Egg + Nut Free)

I was waiting for the weather to heat up in summer to post this recipe but by golly gosh, poor spring has been stomped on by big brother summer. Since it is so warm I thought it best to post my Rainbow Extraordinaire Nice cream. It's time to get our cool treats on. I keep thinking that the weather will slowly cool back down to normal spring temperatures but every time I look at the forecast it feels like it's getting hotter, drier and windier. It is so depressing to look outside at the landscape because all the green has long gone and in its place is dry, brown and crispy offerings. The grass even crunches underfoot when you walk on it. I keep looking to the skies hoping to see some rain clouds on the horizon. All I see is the shimmery heat from the sun and bright blue skies. Not a cloud in the sky.


Oh and not to mention this hot weather is bringing all the snakes out. I nearly stood on one last week when I was going up the back steps to our house. I was daydreaming about something as I was walking up the stairs and looked down as I approached the step the baby snake was lazily draped across. I nearly wet my pants I tell you. I quickly backtracked down the stairs and yelled "Snake, SNAKE!!" to hubby. He promptly went for the shovel to try and dispose of it but the little beggar quickly hid back in the retaining wall that surrounds the back of our house.  So now I have nightmare's every time I try and walk down the back steps to the garden. I just hope there isn't a nest of the little darlings ready to pop out at any given moment. Eek.   

Since things are getting a little hot under the collar it was time to pull out the summer treats because it seems summer has decided to butt its head in. I wanted to make a colourful rainbow icecream that was dairy free, gluten free, egg & nut free. That was simple to make but totally delicious. I was hoping to keep the process making fairly simple so that anyone can make it at home without needing heaps of special equipment or having to stir the ice cream every half an hour for a no-churn method. Sometimes I'm a bit lazy guys so anytime I can cut a few corners in the kitchen is worth it. 


I went a little crazy with the different colours but you can't have rainbow icecream without a variety of different colours in every scoop. I was so excited about how well this turned out.  Each of the flavours has the base of frozen banana (hence the nice-cream title) then I added in a variety of different add-ins to get the different flavour bases to create my No Churn Rainbow Extraordinaire Nice Cream. Think raspberries for the pink, blueberries for the purple, mango for the yellow and spinach and avocado for the green layer. The only thing I would change is to add a squeeze of lemon juice into the green layer to preserve the colour a bit better.


If you think the banana will overpower the other flavours in the ice cream then don't worry I assure you that is not the case. It is creamy, delicious and has delicious pops of mango, raspberry and blueberry flavours throughout the ice cream. This Nice Cream is going to be a staple in our house this summer because it seems like it could be a hot one. Also, don't forget to check out my Rainbow Nice Cream video below. I made it just for you! :-)

Rainbow Extraordinaire Nice Cream

by The Whimsical Wife

Prep Time: 20 min + Chilling

Cook Time: nil

Download & Print Recipe

Ingredients (Serves 6)

  • 200g dark chocolate
  • 6 x waffle cones
  • rainbow sprinkles
  • 5 x large bananas, peeled & frozen
Pink Layer
  • 1 cup frozen raspberries
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
Purple Layer
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
Yellow Layer
  • 3/4 cup frozen mango
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
Green Layer
  • 1/2 cup baby spinach
  • 1/4 avocado
  • 100g dark chocolate, melted
  • 3 tbsp granulated peanuts ( or buckinis for nut-free option)


In a small microwavable bowl add the dark chocolate broken up into smaller chunks. Place into the microwave for 30-second increments until the dark chocolate has melted. Add the rainbow sprinkles into a large bowl.

Spoon the dark chocolate inside the waffle cones and swirl it around until it coats the entire inside of the cones. Pour out the excess. Dip the top of the cone into the chocolate to coat the outside edge and then dip into the sprinkles to coat around the outside. Repeat with the remaining waffle cones and let the chocolate set.

Meanwhile, in a blender or food processor add 1 x frozen banana along with the frozen raspberries and coconut milk. Blitz until smooth and creamy. Scoop the mixture out into a bowl and place into the freezer while you make the remaining layers. Repeat the process adding 1 x frozen banana with each coloured layer ingredients (i.e frozen mango, coconut milk & frozen banana).

Scoop each coloured layer into a bowl and into the freezer until all layers have been made.

Remove all layers from the freezer and add spoonfuls of each of the colours into a rectangular cake tin or your fave ice cream container. Alternate each colour to create a rainbow effect in the tin. Once you have used all of the nice cream mix place the tin into the freezer and freeze for a minimum of 4 hours or until firm.

Once the nice-cream has set remove and set on the counter for 10-15 minutes or until softened slightly. Scoop rounds of the Rainbow Nice-Cream into the waffle cones and top with extra melted chocolate and granulated peanuts (or buckinis for a nut-free option)

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